We reached a major milestone at our house last month. We are officially a training wheel free zone. Miles learned how to ride a two wheeler! We were outside riding up and down the side walk one night and he said he didn't want the training wheels anymore. So Jeff took them off and there he went!
The kids have always loved riding bikes. I feel so glad that we live in a neighborhood where they can ride up and down the sidewalk to their hearts content.
We have also been letting the older kids go on night rides. Usually one of us will go with them. We leave around 10ish and ride for an hour or so. It is such a great feeling to ride at night while the rest of the world is getting ready to hit the sack. I guess now that school is starting, we'll have to do our night rides on Friday or Saturday night.
We had so much fun riding with all of our friends this summer. Seems like when the kids had a friend over, the first thing they did was jump on a bike and experience that taste of summer time freedom!
P.S. I got so wrapped up in having fun with the kids this summer that I lost track of my blog - so now I am playing catch up. Hope you all don't mind too much.