Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Really COOL

Well, 11:56pm and they have just made it home. S is grinning from ear to ear. He just kept saying 'it was really really cool mom'. JC seems to have also had a great time. JC was telling S how he went to his first Rush concert in 1985. He also mentioned how everyone would wear their t-shirts to school the next day - which you know S is planning to do! Who'da thought that 23 years after going to his first Rush show he'd be taking his kid to see them. S also loved that they didn't have an opening act and played for the full three hours. I am SO happy for both of them!


Tonite, JC and S are at a Rush concert. JC was hoping to go and I was really wanting him to be able to go. We had hoped he could go with a couple of old friends, but that didn't end up working out, so I bought him two tickets for the Austin show. He mentioned me going with him, but I really just didn't feel like it. So, S was thrilled to be going! They are having a great time and JC is taking pictures with is phone and sending them to me. They've already played one of my favorite songs - The Mission - which is what the top photo is from. I'll update you more later about how the night turned out - but I already know it is going to be great!

Cups Glasses Cups

My friend IRL CG made a comment on her homeschool blog today about her kitchen cabinet being empty - every single glass being dirty. Well, I had to take a picture of our normal glass situation.

25 dirty glasses in one day. 6 of us - 25 dirty glasses. This photo represents one day worth of glasses. Oh my. Something has gotta change!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Sunny Softball

Our sweet angel #2 had a fun softball game tonight against a Rollingwood team. I am very happy to report that we beat the other team (9-7). It was pretty darn hot out, but it was still a nice evening to be at the ballfield.

Perfecto #2

Another beautiful day here. In the 80's and I'm loving it! The dogs were laying out in the sun again. This seems to be their place. They were joined by their buddy. When I went out to find them the first time, all three of them were laying. When I came back with the camera, M sat up and smiled. Sure wish I could've gotten the shot of them all laying in the sun together.

Oh, and you might notice that this is the exact same area as the previous Perfecto post/photo. My hard working husband has been killing himself in this yard. Notice that you can now see the rocks that outline the 'flower beds'? For the last three (maybe four) trash days, he has had at least 10-15 lawn bags on the curb. I love him so much!

21 The Movie

Something very special happened for us Saturday night. #3 was on her camping trip, #1 and #2 both were asked to spend the night out with friends, so that left us with just #4 at home. Being a little bit pregnant and a whole lotta psycho, I decided that we should do our best to see if someone would have M over so that we could go out. Well, after only a couple of phone calls, our good friend Jamey came through and took M for us. M was THRILLED! He got to go out to eat w/his good buddy Q and have a half-sleepover w/Q and his dad!

We ended up going to see the movie 21. I have been dying to see this flick. I have had this obsession on learning about these kids from MIT that won big in Vegas.

I am SO thankful that we were able to call on Jamey - it was such a NICE treat for us! Thank you Thank You THANK YOU Jamey!

More Water Fun

Saturday Afternoon BIG TALL water fun! (and free)

First Game

Pre-game planning!

Saturday morning after we dropped off the camper, we went to M's very first soccer game. He was REALLY excited and looking forward to the game all week long. Since this is a 4-5 year old league, they don't keep score. However, we all know that the kids are pretty aware of what is going on. JC is the coach, so he was on the field with the kids making sure they are headed to the correct goal and stopping when the ball goes out of bounds.
Both coaches pointing the way to the goal!

#4 did make one goal for his team and he was very excited about it. In the end though, he came off of the field crying and mad because the other team (primarily one kid) had scored so many goals. He was mostly upset because he thought the other kid was laughing at them. We tried to explain that the little boy wasn't laughing at them, but that he was smiling and laughing the whole time he was on the field! I guess that is just to hard to understand when you are 5.
GOAL!!! GOAL!!! GOAL!!!!

Big Girl Trip

This past weekend, #3 had her first overnight camping trip with her Brownie troop (and mom stayed home). She was SO excited. The left Saturday morning and came home Sunday before lunch. We had a great time following the packing checklist and helping her pack all of her stuff. Then she was off. Her leaders are great and she had a blast with all of her Brownie friends. The girls had tons of fun at the Rocky River Ranch. I am so glad that she was able to have the great experience!

Orange Crush

Well, we had another fun weekend fun of soccer fun! #1 and his team played against the #1 ranked team on Friday nite. They played hard, but unfortunately didn't walk away with a win. I am just so proud of his team. The boys played really great and in addition to that, they were all able to still smile for this picture after the game!

Friday Nite Fun

Friday night, #2 got to go to a Blazer Tag party that was being thrown for her soccer team. The soccer league held a fundraiser last spring - and the team that sold the most tickets got to have a Blazer Tag party that included two free lazer tag games and a pizza party. Most of the time, laser tag is considered something that boys do, but I'll tell you what, those girls had a BLAST!!!

Her dad was her date and I know that they had a GREAT time!

Sunday, April 20, 2008

4 More Overnight

Gas prices rose by .04 cents while we were sleeping Thursday night. I am sometimes just shocked at how much we are paying. And diesel gas is close to $4.00 per gallon. How in the world are people going to be able to get anywhere this summer?

Tuesday, April 15, 2008


The weather has been perfect here the last few days. Even the dogs wanna just lay out in the sun!

For A Few

A few folks have asked what is up with the new baby. The questions have mostly been the standards: 'are you showing?', 'how far along are you?', 'boy or girl?', etc., etc.

So this morning Jeff and I had to get up and go to an important appointment. I needed to look a little nicer than my normal t-shirt, shorts and flip-flops. So I had Jeff take a couple of pictures of me and our bundle. Naturally, I didn't want to be in the picture by myself, so I asked M to join me. Can't you tell how happy he is to be helping his old mom out!?!?!?!

Due Date: 08/05/08 - the kids are hoping for 08/08/08 though.
Gender: Boy
Name: Don't have one yet, but even if we did, we wouldn't tell!
Just started the sixth month - whew the time is flying!

My attempt to not have a double chin is waaayyy too exaggerated in the first photo. And I think I look **JUMBO** in the second photo. Overall though, loving every moment of this little person growing inside of me.

One downside to this pregnancy vs. the others is that I REALLY DISLIKE all of the maternity clothes they sell these days. It is VERY hard to find a top that isn't stretchy, totally fitted or some crazy pattern. Whatever happened to the sweet cotton button up the front maternity tops? Ugh. Good thing I'm not a clothes hound. I can make it through the next few months with some secondhand things and just a couple of new items. :)

Sunday, April 13, 2008

We LOVE Free Water Fun

After watching a ton people cross the finish line for the MS150, we were all wanting to cool off a little bit. So we stopped by Fountain Plaza for a little afternoon fun.

Kinda funny that I didn't get a picture with the water shooting high today, but I did somehow manage to take this photo of the kids and it looks like we are the only people at the park.

And just one little picture of me and the kids. So hard to believe that we are already in or sixth month! Boy-o-boy, there will be another Carr here before we know it!

A Little Support - Carr Style

Today we had the great honor of supporting our aunt Margot as she rode into Austin to finish the MS150. She and her friends, Julie, Jon and Dave rode 150 miles from Houston to Austin to raise funds, raise awareness and show support of people all over Texas living with MS.

So we joined our Uncle Chris at the finish line to cheer as she and her StarGrazer bunch crossed the finish line. Thank goodness her teammate Dave was doing a jig when they crossed or else we might not have seen them. They came up so fast that Chris was only able to get a shot of their backs.

Yea for all four of you, and most especially you MarCar! We are really really proud of you!

Friday, April 11, 2008

My Favorite Place

The other day, S and I were in the kitchen getting ready for dinner. I noticed him kinda standing by the window looking around. I asked him what he was doing. He said, oh nothing, I was just thinking that this house is really starting to feel like home. I hafta admit, it's been a ton of work, but I can honestly say that I agree.

This is one of my very favorite places in the house. It is in the corner of the kitchen. Good natural light. All of my favorite things. Reminders of good times and people I love.

You'll also notice, that with all of the big money I'm saving by not having a cell phone, I decided to buy myself one of those bamboo plants at the grocery store today. I've looked at them for years. Never really wanted to shell over the big bucks for one. This one caught my eye because I LOVE the little pot it came in. So there goes $6.00. Let's hope it doesn't die next week.

On Being Connected

Well, I guess I should let you all know that I am no longer connected. To the cellular world that is. I've been brainstorming about ways to save a dime since the new baby will be coming soon and I won't have a paycheck. The last few months I've been trying to watch our spening with regard to food, gas, and spending money. We've seen a pretty big savings in our food expenses - which I am sure I'll blog about more on a different day.

One of the things I think is unnecessary is the cell phone. I've had a cell phone since 1998. I like having a cell phone. I really like being connected. I like having the option to talk to my friends when my people aren't around. I like to send/receive text messages. In general, I like to have the gadgets that others have. And at the same time, it is completely not necessary and it is another $100 that I can save on a monthly basis.

I am proud to say that I haven't had service for a little over two weeks and no one has died because of it. All of my people have managed to get where they needed to be. I've been able to coordinate driving my 5 people all over town, 3 carpools and many different activities all from the home phone.

The thing that makes me the very most sad though, is that I no longer have a great cheap option for calling Heather in Germany. The one thing I give myself every month is about $20 worth of international calling - which at $0.13 cents per minute is a whole lotta talk time. I usually call her two or so times a week and mostly when I am driving from work to pick up M from preschool. This way I can talk without being interrupted a gazillion times and I can let the foul language fly when I want. :)

It's all good though. I am doing a little research and we are still planning to keep my $20 per month long distance budget. Just gotta figure how to do it so that I won't hafta be talking and wiping bottoms at the same time.

I should also tell you the JC does not agree with this money saving plan. Which you know, makes me more determined to make it work!

The People

I tried to make these pictures a little bit better in photo shop - as a result, I don't think they look right. Oh well, we still had a great time taking them.

Water Fun

A few weeks ago, we took the kids over to the new free water park on Town Lake. Oh what fun! We were there for probably three hours and they didn't want to go home. I thought to bring towels, but it never crossed my mind to have them wear their swimsuits. Kinda makes it more fun when you get to get your clothes soaking wet though.

Good Kitty

JC gave M cold pizza for breakfast this morning. He took one bite and left the rest on the desk in our bedroom. Naturally, I walk into the bedroom and find our oldest child Marcellus (the 13 yr. old cat) eating the pizza. If it had been one of the dogs, I'd probably have gotten mad. But look how cute this kitty is eating the pizza.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Soccer Boy

So finally we have a fourth soccer player! After many years of asking and patiently waiting on the side while the older kids to do their thing, M is on his very own soccer team! He is so so so happy to be doing it with 3 of his good buddies from the neighborhood. And to top it off, JC is the coach - so he is in HEAVEN! He wishes everyday was a practice day. The games haven't started yet, but next week he'll be busting because he is SO happy to finally get out there and play some real soccer!

After practice today, I took this picture of him and his buddies making their best soccer face. I think you can tell that all four boys are REALLY excited!

A Little Sign

I am proud to say that I always know that my JC loves me. I love him and he loves me and it just works. I don't know why. I guess after 18 years together and 17 years married - somehow it just works.

I'm not gonna lie - sometimes it is hard. REALLY HARD. Sometimes I forget that he loves me. Sometimes we both get so caught up in the day-to-day crap that we lose sight of each other. Sometimes we both forget to engage each other.

But then there are those little moments. Moments that he isn't even aware of - that I know without a doubt that this is where I am suppose to be and that he loves me.

Yesterday I had one of those moments.

I was sitting in his work parking lot waiting to pick him up. I was watching him come out the door and he was laughing. Real genuine smile. When he got in the car I asked him what was up. He said that one of his co-workers was congratulating him on the new baby. So I ask how did the guy know. He tells me that he took an ultrasound picture and put it on the fridge in the break room. He said he left it there for a few days and then decided that 'people might not wanna see our fetus while they are getting their lunch' - so he has it up on the wall in his cubicle.

I didn't know he took a picture to work. I've been smiling inside every since he told me.

I know he loves me. I know he loves our family. And no matter how stressful or hard things get here, he is still proud of us. No matter how crazy I am or how much I bug him about silly things, he still wants the world to know that we have each other and our kids.


Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Sanity Sisters

Thinking about what to call this group of crazy women. I like the 'Laugh Alot Girls' or the 'Sanity Sisters' - but I guess the phrase that fits best is simply the best kind of friends.

These are my card girls. We've been playing a few times a month now for almost a year. We can laugh together and cry together. It isn't a contest. No one has to be best. We don't always talk a lot or see each other a ton between gatherings. But we all know that we have a safe place to come for a little getaway. Sometimes we talk about daily life things like our jobs, men, and kids. But mostly we just talk about the stuff of life.

One of the things I love most about this group of gals is that there is no work involved in being together. We all just truly enjoy the company and there is never ANY drama. How could I be so lucky?

I love these ladies. I know that I can always count on them. And for me, that says a lot these days.

Like Father Like Son

JC wanted me to shave his head this weekend. All of the kids thought it was really cool that dad had a mohawk.

After I was done w/dad, M said he wanted his hair done too. So if you thought they looked alike before, just look at them now.

BTW - You all should know that S said NO WAY!! He is proud of his long locks!

So Many Friends

One of the things that truly love about the neighborhood is that we always have friends around. M and a couple of the boys from the street like to play 'spy' in the brush. I love watching our kids being kids.


Another Father/Daughter dance has come and gone. I am SO glad that our girls get to have these sorts of special times. I feel certain they will remember this when they grow up. E had to go straight from a softball game - so she didn't get to get all dolled up, but that is ok. They all still had a blast.


So junior has been craving lots of nutty things. Lately it has been Olive Garden Salad dressing and Pluckers chicken wings. Thank goodness for the 'Laugh Alot Girls' - I can always find a few of them to join me for the punishment!

I think we were all feeling pretty sick after this outing!

Easter/Birthday Bike Ride

One of our family traditions has been for JC and the birthday child to have a birthday bike ride. This year all 4 of the kids went along. They rode on the Veloway - even M rode around two times! I was the official photographer, so I didn't ride this time! :)

Sweet Angels Turns 10!

Double digits. Wow. We now have two kids that are in the doubles.

E turned 10 on March 23. Yep, that was Easter Sunday. Her birthday will fall on Easter Sunday again once in her life - 2060. Kinda weird to think about her spending her 62nd birthday on Easter.

She has become such a beautiful person. I love that she is kind hearted. She is a great caregiver and such a true blue friend. She works hard at school and in her extra activities. I love that she has a sweet spirit and a wonderful sense of humor. I love that she feels passion for all living creatures. I am so thankful for my sweet angel and all that she offers our family and everyone that she comes in contact with.

We had a great time with our traditional family dinner and party. Everyone was dying to get a piece of that cake. I don't know why though, they had been eating Easter candy ALL day long!

She got a new outfit, sunglasses and two new American Girl books from Grandma Cathy and Grandpa Steve. I know she loved opening the gifts, but I she like posing for the picture more. :)

She was VERY VERY excited to get a new Wii game from Darlene and Dave. All four of the kids have been singing and dancing to Boogie.

And all of the kids enjoy putting thought into what gifts to get each other. She got a silky gown from M, and tye dye dress from J and a pair of really cool purple crocs. from S. I think that is the best time of every birthday - being so excited to open the gifts that you know your brothers and sister picked out for you.

I am so so blessed to have this 10 year old angel in my life!