A few folks have asked what is up with the new baby. The questions have mostly been the standards: 'are you showing?', 'how far along are you?', 'boy or girl?', etc., etc.
So this morning Jeff and I had to get up and go to an important appointment. I needed to look a little nicer than my normal t-shirt, shorts and flip-flops. So I had Jeff take a couple of pictures of me and our bundle. Naturally, I didn't want to be in the picture by myself, so I asked M to join me. Can't you tell how happy he is to be helping his old mom out!?!?!?!

Due Date: 08/05/08 - the kids are hoping for 08/08/08 though.
Gender: Boy
Name: Don't have one yet, but even if we did, we wouldn't tell!
Just started the sixth month - whew the time is flying!
My attempt to not have a double chin is waaayyy too exaggerated in the first photo. And I think I look **JUMBO** in the second photo. Overall though, loving every moment of this little person growing inside of me.
One downside to this pregnancy vs. the others is that I REALLY DISLIKE all of the maternity clothes they sell these days. It is VERY hard to find a top that isn't stretchy, totally fitted or some crazy pattern. Whatever happened to the sweet cotton button up the front maternity tops? Ugh. Good thing I'm not a clothes hound. I can make it through the next few months with some secondhand things and just a couple of new items. :)