Big kids have track and field day at school. The week leading up to track and field day, I went up to the school and helped each class tie dye t-shirts for team spirit. We had a great great time and our three kids were REALLY REALLY proud of their class shirts.
The theme of this year's track and field day was the Olympics. Each class had to come up with a country name that included their teacher's name and all of the information regarding their country - like climate, language, food, etc. A GREAT time was had by all.
2nd Grade - country: Purselvania, color: Purple, song: Heard it Through the Grapevine

4th Grade - country: Nikolovakia, color: Orange, mascot: Mighty Legumes

5th Grade - Saudi Embrembia, color: Blue, song: Walk Like an Egyptian

This is E and her classmate marching their class flag around the 'stadium'. E worked really really hard on making this flag (colored for hours) and was really proud of it!

JC and M ride the bike up to the school to watch all of the fun events! Then JC rides off to work.