I have SO much reading to do. SO SO SO much. I recently became a member of something. Funny that I can't remember what it is called for the life of me...hmmmm....
Anyhow, I responded to an 'ad' to be part of a blogger community. This will be a great opportunity for me to get to know more bloggers, for them to know me and for me to voice my opinion on topics of conversation started by my blogger friends and to also initiate conversation.
Boy-o-boy, little did they know when they allowed me to join! I'll have 'em all talking...hee hee hee!
So in the next few days, I'll have my head to the grind stone...er...computer screen. I am getting to know my new blog friends. They are getting to know me. I'll be linking with their sites. And I'll be inviting you to join my community.
Now if only I could remember what it is called...
Thank you cjane and thank you blog frog!
P.S. Wishing I was on the Pensacola Beach right now, hence the picture of our kids at the beach in March.