Thursday, January 10, 2013

Live from flu central

KC here, reporting from flu central.
Word has just come to me that we have confirmed the 4th case of the influence A virus.

All medical professionals are encouraging hand washing, cough catching and flu shotting.

The nurse on staff is doing a fine job keeping the fluids flowing, the medicine administered and the dogs walked.

Stay tuned for additional updates regarding this epidemic.

I am KC reporting from flu central.

Monday, January 7, 2013


Because I worked 8 million hours before Christmas and because we just needed some down family time, we spent a good portion of the last week of Christmas break watching movies.  We watched and watched and re-watched.  It was so nice for it to be cold outside, warm inside and all my kids here watching together.

Here is run down of what we watched -

Pitch perfect.  Aca-Hilarious.  We watched it at least 6 times.  And we all went back to school singing the songs.  Aca-fabulous!

Catfish.  Wow - my friend Sarah told me about the movie a long time ago.  Good stuff.  Good to watch with teens.  Kinda grossed out by the amount of hair Nev had on his chest - but that's just me.

Moonrise Kingdom.  Jeff and I saw this in the movie theatre for his birthday.  I though it was a bit weird.  We watched it 3 times during the break.  I think it is the kinda of movie that grows on me, like Napoleon Dynamite.

Big Miracle.  Whales being saved.  Feel good.  Tears.  And surprisingly, I do kinda actually remember something about this happening in real life.

Hear Comes The Boom.  I LOVED THIS MOVIE.  Say what you will about Kevin James, I understand that he will always be Paul Blart Mall Cop to some.  But I LOVED this movie.

Couples Retreat.  Waste of my time.  And I was tricked by 14 year old girl.  I could have been watching Pitch Perfect again and perfecting my line memorization.

Family Stone.  My all time favorite.  Ever.

The Odd Life of Timothy Green.  Another feel good movie that I loved.  Jeff not so much.  I guess there weren't enough people shooting each other or aliens invading the planet earth.  Whatevs.

War Horse.  The younger set really liked this movie.  I thought it was okay.  I guess I was just in a mood to see bright shiny happy movies and this was a little too dark, rainy and muddy.  Although it guess it did make us all feel good.

Oh, and I just remember that Jeff and the big kids saw The Hobbit on Christmas Day.  (me and the little guy stayed home)

And I saw The Guilt Trip with my girlfriends.  The movie was good but I was so dang bummed out because I wanted popcorn and the popcorn machine was broken.  :(

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Lift it up

I went to church today.
I woke up, bolted up, and went.

I don't know what I am looking for.
But I do know there is comfort in that place.

There are so many people we love with so so many struggles right now.
In the last 6 days we have had a dear friend lose a family supporting job, a friend lose a dear pet, 2 separate friends have parents with very serious health problems, a friend with a husband in the hospital, and so so so many of our people having to deal with cancer.

Stoopid cancer.
I hate cancer.

I don't know what 2013 holds for me or my family.
But I do know that I have this need to find comfort.
To live honestly.
To be the best person I can possibly be.
And for some reason, I feel called to walk through the doors of the church.
Searching for answers.
Singing a familiar song.
Sitting in the quiet reverent place with people around me that I do not know, but who are just like me - and human.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Just be nice

Be nice to yourself.
It's hard to be happy when someone's mean to you all the time.

A good mantra for 2013.

(Text from a friend who knows me so well and has impeccable timing.)