I have been so lucky to be included with this group of women. TC owns a couple of businesses and has the most wonderful relationships with all of her girls. Krob has been with her for 8 yrs.,Ruthie for 9 yrs., Julia for 5 yrs. and Chelsea for about a year (I think). They have all traveled together, played together, worked together and most of all, grown together. I feel lucky that I have been able to work with them and have tons of fun with them!
We started the night at Mars. It is a really great resturant that just opened its new location on South Congress. I had this super steak with the most delicious mashed potatoes and grilled aspargus. Mmmm, YUM!
After dinner we made our way downtown for a night of dancing at Speakeasy. This has become a bit of a tradition. (Everyone knows that TC loves to dance!) We started first on the roof top lounge which has these crazy giant couches that are the size of a double mattress. You had no choice but to lounge - which you know I am just not so comfortable doing that in public. (The rum helped me relax enough to scoot to the back of the couch.)
Then the band started, so we made our way downstairs to hear some great cover tunes, dance and watch the people show! You would not believe how the ladies dress these days. Lots of dresses and high high heels. Not many blue jeans on the girls. And most of what they are wearing is either VERY low cut or very very short. We watched one couple for a very long time. The girl was so so drunk and they were totally getting it on right on the dance floor for everyone to see. At one point her right breast was truly hanging out of her little bitty top. (I'm not exagerrating!) Another time, she was 'dancing' by bending forward over the stage/speaker and he was rubbing up against her and she knocked the speaker off of the stage! Can you believe that??? It was one the moments where you are thankful that you are not that person and you pray that your daughters will never be that person!!!
So, here's to you Julia! We all love you and I look foward to us spending some good time together in November and December while we're selling those candles!
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