Today we had the great honor of supporting our aunt Margot as she rode into Austin to finish the MS150. She and her friends, Julie, Jon and Dave rode 150 miles from Houston to Austin to raise funds, raise awareness and show support of people all over Texas living with MS.

So we joined our Uncle Chris at the finish line to cheer as she and her StarGrazer bunch crossed the finish line. Thank goodness her teammate Dave was doing a jig when they crossed or else we might not have seen them. They came up so fast that Chris was only able to get a shot of their backs.

Yea for all four of you, and most especially you MarCar! We are really really proud of you!

Way to go Margot!!! Thanks for your hard work, from someone very close to MS and the havoc it can wreak!
Thank you all for your love and support! I'm so lucky to be the new addition to the Carr family. Chris says, "If it harms beavers, we're against it!" (Don't ask why but he made me write it).
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