For the last two weeks, Jena's 5th grade English Language Arts class has been learning about how to write an interview. Last week they even had a real reporter from our local newspaper come and talk to them and give them some tips.
Without me knowing, Jena chose to interview my very best sister friend in the whole wide world, Heather. So when Jena came and asked me for Heather's phone number, I was a little defensive - like 'why are you gonna be callin MY friend?' defensive. ha. (Jealous of a 10 year old is cool.)
So here is the interview. I hope you are able to see the love that we have for our Heather.
Heather Barthelme
I think it is so nice when people do something to help others. Heather Barthelme is a close family friend that I have known my whole life. Heather lives in Kansas along with her husband, Stephen Barthelme.
Without me knowing, Jena chose to interview my very best sister friend in the whole wide world, Heather. So when Jena came and asked me for Heather's phone number, I was a little defensive - like 'why are you gonna be callin MY friend?' defensive. ha. (Jealous of a 10 year old is cool.)
So here is the interview. I hope you are able to see the love that we have for our Heather.
Heather Barthelme
I think it is so nice when people do something to help others. Heather Barthelme is a close family friend that I have known my whole life. Heather lives in Kansas along with her husband, Stephen Barthelme.
Stephen is in the United States Army, so Heather and Stephen have to live in Kansas right now. They were stationed in Kansas on August 10, 2009. Before that, they were stationed in Mannheim, Germany. They had to live in Germany for 3 years. It was a fun adventure to live in Germany, but it was hard for Heather to live so far away from her friends and family.
Heather said that she likes living in Kansas because it is closer to family and friends. She is also very happy it is in America.
Heather’s job is to help support families when a family member is deployed. Heather is called a Family Readiness Support Assistant (FRSA). An FRSA helps families to get use to how the military works when they are new to the military, are moved to a new post or have a family member deployed. The reason she chose to be an FRSA is because she was once a new military family that needed help. But her absolute favorite part about the job is seeing families be reunited.
Heather likes families. Before she was married, Heather was a foster parent. She took care of a baby boy for over two years before he was adopted by a new family. It was hard to see him go, but Heather was happy she got to love him and help him.

I hope that you have enjoyed learning about my great friend Heather Barthelme. The reason I chose to interview her is because I wanted you to read about someone that I love very much that has a very big heart and always helps the people around her.
By Jena Carr

:) Feeling pretty loved.
I'm totally tearing up. That Heather Barthelme is an amazing woman, isn't she? And how about that Jena - she's gonna be a Pulitzer Prize winning writer someday. Fantastic job, J!
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