There once was a girl named CinderELLA. She wanted to go to the ball (try-out to be on her 7th grade volleyball team). She worked hard perfecting her dance moves beforehand. She was very nervous.
On the day that they were handing out ball tickets (try-out morning), 70 girls waited in line. She was certain that she wouldn't be one of the 20 chosen to dance (play on the "A" or "B" team). Sure enough, she was right. Many of the other girls had much more beautiful gowns (club volleyball girls) and were chosen to dance instead.
She was very sad.
CinderELLA heard that there would be a few more tickets handed out before the day of the ball. Everyone in village (mom/dad/sibs/teachers/friends) encouraged her and helped her prepare just incase she was asked to the ball.

CinderELLA worked very hard.
She tried her hardest to please her step-mother and step-father (coaches). She even wrote a one page essay on why she would like to serve her step-mother/step-father (not evil) and step-sisters (girls on the team).

So her step-mother allowed her to come to the ball (practice/games) as long as she was working hard (team manager).
CinderELLA arrived before the sun came up to begin her daily chores.

CinderELLA cleaned the floors.
CinderELLA provided the refreshments for her step-sisters.

CinderELLA picked up after all of the guest.

CinderELLA even made sure that all of the girls at the ball had a place to sit.

Well one morning, CinderELLA showed up early to serve her step-sisters and was called in for a talk with her step-mother/step-father. CinderELLA was very nervous.
Her step-father told her that she would be allowed to dance at the ball. CinderELLA's hard work was paying off. CinderELLA was very very happy. She felt proud of her accomplishment and was very very thankful.
Tonight was CinderELLA's first dance at the ball (game). All of the other girls had already been to two balls. CinderELLA was very nervous. The people in her village (mom/dad/siblings/friends) were very nervous for her too.
CinderELLA was thrilled to ride in the carriage with her step-sisters.
CinderELLA got to wear her beautiful dress (uniform) for the first time.

CinderELLA had the time of her life. She knows that she still needs to work hard on her dance moves (serving, etc.) but she smiled the whole time she was dancing because she was so thankful to have the opportunity to attend the ball.

The End.
P.S. And btw, these stinkin spandex shorts almost caused a war in our home. When Ella told us that she made the team and 'needed' the darn shorts, I said NO WAY and Jeff said YES WAY!!

Why in the world are these shorts allowed? They are SO inappropriate. (In my opinion.) Of course, I realized tonight that Jeff was right and if I didn't buy the shorts for her that she'd be THE ONLY girl out on the court learning a lesson in modesty. Maybe tonite wasn't the night for this 7th grade girl to hafta learn that lesson in public. And yes, I was probably the ONLY mom in Academy measuring the inseam of the make-us-look-naked shorts to make sure that I got the longest pair. I tried to buy her bike shorts, but the sales gal highly discouraged me. I guess she was right too!
What a charming and fanciful tale, with a role model kind of heroine to boot! Very sweet and very creative. I know you wanted her to wear a ball gown that would help her fit right in, and between you and me, you can always unpick that bottom hem and sew up a super-skinny hem to eke out another half inch or a little more.... from one mom who'd be modest with her daughter to another...
Again, with the story-telling... I'm giggling through my tears of pride and joy - WTG, CinderELLA! Keep up the great work!! Love you all!
way to go ella!! you rock!
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