Wednesday, December 10, 2008

I Tried

I must say I'm sorry to a few folks. You see, I have been so excited about Christmas this year. We even had all of our cards mailed in the middle of last week. Woo hoo. A truckload of cards signed by 7, addressed and ready to go. I was SO proud of myself.

Until yesterday....

The mail lady came. I ran to the box - hoping and praying to receive our second card of the season. Hoping and praying that a card for our family would come. Ooooo - yippee! Looks like we got a few. Hurray!

And then I am crushed. Because we got some cards. But they were not what I was hoping for. We got cards that WE had sent to our loved ones. These would be the cards that I mailed without stamping. Yep, you read that right. I mailed a stack of cards with no stamps.

At least I was able to get a good laugh about it with the sweet mail lady.

So sorry goes out to our friends and family that haven't gotten a card from us yet. It should arrive within the next few days.


Heather and Stephen said...

oh no! I have this fear! But in mine, ours arrive back in Germany in February because that's how it would happen! OR they arrive back in February, with 41 cent stamps on all of them because I cannot keep up with how much stamps are these days!! Way to go laughing at the situation.. :)

CG said...

Ha, ha! Don't feel bad. I recently mailed someone a check (We're part of a medical bills sharing group.) and I forgot to sign it. The poor people, who needed to pay their bills, couldn't. They had to mail it back to me for a signature. I was so embarrassed!

inedai- Oh wait, the word verification doesn't go there...

carrhop said...

Hee hee! Okay, this is totally something I would do--


Kim said...

I received mine without my unit # on it! :)