Monday, June 18, 2007

Malls and Such

I had a first last Friday night. #1's best buddy was over spending the night. We had done a little shopping for Father's day and I had promised them that we could stop by a skate shop to check things out. Naturally, we ran outta time and the youngers were both losing steam. So after dH got home, I took the big kids (#1, #2 and the BFF) to the mall. How weird. We had a fun time. Went to the Vans store, to the Fast Forward (now called Zumies) and a few other random stores. I overheard a conversation about some cute girls. And I learned that we are pre-pre-teens and that going to the mall is what we do! Kinda of funny since we had never gone to the mall for no reason before and it will prolly be a bit of a long time before we do it again!

I am glad to report that a great time was had by all!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

(shaking my head) (don't know what to say) too big