Thursday, August 6, 2009

Barton Springs Full Moon

And here is one small example of the things that our kids will remember about their childhoods!

Barton Springs Pool on a warm August night.

Full moon in the sky. A ton of folks taking a dip and letting out a howl. There are hula hoopers, a drum circle, babies and grandparents. There are people swimming fully clothed and people wearing not much more than their birthday suit. There is a feeling of friendship and peace in the air. You just can't help but to smile.

When we were leaving, a couple that was sitting up on the hill asked us if they could sketch our SBW. Naturally, we said yes. We all stood and watched as this incredible artist turned a plain piece of manilla paper into a piece of art that I will cherish for my lifetime.

We all came home feeling a little bit better about the world. I am so thankful for these times with my family and our friends.

****************************** 2:30am, the good feeling was gone. I had a sat a the silly computer for almost 3 hours trying to figure out how to create and upload this video. I went to bed frustrated and irritated! And then this morning, it came to me. You Tube! Ah ha! Wa la! I never thought I'd ever say this, but thank God for You Tube.

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