Tuesday, August 18, 2009



Hard to believe that this guy has been around for 369 days.

It seems like he has always been with us.

We needed him in our lives. In his one short year, he has taught all of us more than you can imagine.

The nine months that he lived in my belly were some of the hardest of our 18 year marriage. Not because of him, but because of silly grown-up stuff. I cried a lot. And then I cried some more.

How perfect it is that this gift of a boy came out and hasn't stopped smiling.

He sleeps with us every single night. And I love it.

He nursed exclusively for 8 months and is still dining at the mommy cafe. And I love it.

We hold each other all day long. 14 arms holding on tight. My arms will never be too old, too weak or too tired for this.

I love to watch the fab four love him.

He is OUR baby.

We all love him so much.

Our Sweet Baby Wyatt.

What a miracle.


Anonymous said...

He is SO beautiful. You're a very lucky girl KC .. very lucky.

Amy J. said...

What a lovely post. Love him! Love alla-y'all!

Antoinette said...

Oh, that Wyatt. He is soooo cute. Haven't seen him all summer and can't wait to catch up with him once school starts. And you, too. ;)