Tuesday, February 5, 2008

No Witty Words

Well, I've been sitting here for a good 10 minutes trying to think of some witty title, but cannot think of anything for the life of me!

I am happy to say that our computer is FINALLY hooked up! Now keep in mind, the monitor is sitting on top of the CPU and I am using a little plant table to hold the mouse and keyboard. We are really and truly living outta boxes right now - and it is so so so okay.

The move has been diffcult, to say the least. Our move date was pushed back just a bit, 5 out of 6 of us got the real live flu and missed about a week and a half of life and we had all of our day to day stuff still happening.

We LOVE the house and know that we made the best decision for our family. Last week I realized that on ONE day, I gained over three hours at home (compared to lving WAY down south). Our kids have been walking home from school each day. I am already a part of multiple carpools for basketball and soccer. #1 and his friends have been riding their bikes all over the neighborhood and have even met up at the school to play football a few times. #2 and #3 have been able to walk over to play with their girlfriends or meet at the basketball goal to shoot some hoops. #4 finally has a few friends that he can easily have over.

Hopefully we will start getting things inside the house more in order and we will be able to find the camera cord so that I can post some pics. on the blog of the house, the kids and all of our fun adventures.

Getting sleepy now, but will try to post more tomorow! :)


Anonymous said...

It sounds like you are in an ideal situation. except for flu. I'm sorry ya'll had flu.

Codi said...

So glad for you, cousin! Hope to see you soon! Headed to Houston next weekend for our final rounds...love to see your new home in person!

Heather and Stephen said...

Good to see you back in blogworld! and you'll get settled in soon.:)